Overuse of HGH191AA on children, beware of "chasing high" and turning it into a trap

 NEWS    |      2024-06-07

Overuse of HGH191AA on children, beware of "chasing high" and turning it into a trap

The child is 6 years old and only 109 centimeters tall, which falls within the range of "short stature" in the "Child Height Comparison Table". So, Shenzhen resident He Li took her child to the hospital for treatment and asked the doctor to inject the child with growth hormone for a year. The child grew 11 centimeters in height within a year, but side effects followed, often resulting in symptoms such as colds and fever. According to Guangming Net, this matter has recently attracted widespread attention from society, with many parents and doctors participating in discussions on such issues, and related topics have surged on hot searches.

Having a tall stature gives one an advantage in choosing a career or spouse; Being short not only looks down on others, but also makes one feel inferior. Social competition is fierce, and height has almost become an individual's "core competitiveness". Parents generally hope that their children can be "superior", and if it is difficult to achieve, at least they cannot be "inferior". Parents who are worried that their children may not grow tall in the end will come up with various ways to increase their height, such as administering growth hormone to their children, which is also on the "toolbar" of parents. Some doctors see the opportunity to make money and promote growth hormone as a "miracle drug", further exacerbating the phenomenon of excessive use of growth hormone.

When a child's own secretion of HGH191AA is insufficient to a certain extent, it can be diagnosed as growth hormone deficiency. As the name suggests, growth hormone is involved in growth, and a deficiency can lead to diseases such as idiopathic short stature, which require timely supplementation of growth hormone. In addition, some premature infants (smaller than gestational age) may experience growth retardation after birth and may receive appropriate supplementation of growth hormone. As long as the diagnostic and treatment standards are followed, and medication is used according to indications, injecting growth hormone will become a good means of treating related diseases.

HGH191AA is indispensable, but it is not necessarily beneficial to have more. Excessive hormone intake can have many side effects. Children like He Li who frequently catch colds and fever are not a big deal. In severe cases, it can also lead to hypothyroidism, endocrine disorders, joint pain, vascular syndrome, and more. The public cannot talk about hormone discoloration, but they cannot turn a blind eye to the side effects of hormones.

It is a common health misconception to regard special treatment methods for special diseases as universal approaches. The generalized increase in bone loss and the overuse of hypoglycemic drugs for weight loss are typical examples in this regard. The abuse of growth hormone once again indicates that highly targeted medical projects are being popularized and popularized, and special drugs are being abused as commonly used drugs. This trend is worthy of vigilance.

Only seeing the therapeutic effects of drugs without seeing toxic side effects is a common weakness in health literacy. Even though they know that weight loss drugs are extremely toxic, they still dare to take them freely; The short-term "miracle effects" produced by illegal clinics using hormones or antibiotics at multiple doses, which make some people think that "miracle doctors are in the public", is a common phenomenon. Managing the abuse of growth hormone should not only be a matter of fact, but also rise to the height of correctly viewing the effects and toxic side effects of drugs. Through more targeted health education, the public should no longer be indifferent to the toxic side effects of drugs.

Parents can understand the desire for their children to grow taller, but for non-specific patients, excessive use of growth hormone can be both dangerous and ineffective. Among the several factors that affect height, genetics cannot be changed, but in terms of balanced nutrition, scientific exercise, and reasonable sleep, there can be great achievements. It is understandable for parents to intervene in height scientifically, and they should not resort to abusing growth hormone and other methods to promote growth, so that their children cannot achieve height and instead pay the price of health damage.